Rural Areas Site Allocation Development Plan Document (RASA DPD)

The Rural Areas Sites Allocation Development Plan Document (RASA DPD) was intended to provide a policy framework and growth proposals to support the delivery of the Herefordshire Core Strategy for those market towns or parishes which are not included within a neighbourhood development plan.

However, on 9 November 2020 the Cabinet Member for Infrastructure agreed that work on the RASA DPD should be stopped with immediate effect and that any elements of the evidence base collected so far should be used as part of the new Local Plan (the revision of the Herefordshire Core Strategy). You can view the Cabinet Member report.

Issues and options consultation 12 June to 28 July 2017 and summary of responses received.

The next stage in the preparation of the Rural Areas Site Allocation DPD, public consultation on settlement boundaries and site allocation options within those settlements included within the plan will now form part of the review of the Herefordshire Local Plan.

Contact us

If you have any questions about the RASA DPD or the consultations, you can call us on 01432 383357 or email us on