Infrastructure funding statement

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) regulations require all local planning authorities that enter into planning obligations during a reporting year to publish an infrastructure funding statement (IFS). The IFS should, as a minimum, include the information set out in Schedule 2 to the Community Infrastructure Levy regulations 2010 (as inserted by the 2019 regulations).

The infrastructure funding statements give policy makers and communities better insight into how developer contributions are supporting new development and local infrastructure.

Developer contributions include section 106 planning obligations, section 278 highway agreements and any agreements that either secure funding towards new development, or provide infrastructure as part of any new development.

The IFS report provides a summary of financial contributions the council has secured through section 106 agreements from new developments for off-site infrastructure works and affordable housing, and highway works completed as part of new developments through section 278 agreements.

In summary, the report provides:

  • An overview of what section 106 and section 278 agreements are
  • Contributions that have been agreed within a signed legal document. These contributions have not been collected/delivered and if the planning applications are not implemented they will never be received
  • Contributions that have been received and allocated to specific projects, either monetary or non-monetary
  • Projects that have been delivered via s106 and s278 agreements in the current year

The information included in the report will be updated annually and published on this page. This will ensure the most up to date information on the amount of developer contributions received from new developments, in addition to information on where these monies have been spent so it is readily available to members of the public and other interested parties.

View the infrastructure funding statement 2023-24

View infrastructure funding statements from previous years

Planning obligations

For any queries regarding section 106 agreements please email us.

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