Neighbourhood areas and plans
You can view neighbourhood areas and the progress of their Neighbourhood Development Plans from this page.
To date there are 114 designated neighbourhood areas and 92 made/adopted Neighbourhood Development Plans in Herefordshire.
The neighbourhood plans in Herefordshire map details which parishes are currently involved in neighbourhood planning in the county and what stage they are at.
Information about what personal information we are required to make public when you make a representation regarding a Neighbourhood Development Plan and/or neighbourhood area and how we will use it and keep it safe is in our privacy notice.
Briefing note to Parish Councils regarding NDPs and Five Year Housing Land Supply
Current neighbourhood planning consultations and referendums
There are no neighbourhood planning consultations and referendums currently scheduled.
View election documents for any forthcoming neighbourhood planning referendums
Joint neighbourhood areas
Please note some parishes are undertaking a Neighbourhood Development Plan with adjoining parishes and are only listed under one letter in the list. These are:
- Abbeydore and Bacton, Ewyas Harold Group and Kentchurch is listed under A for Abbeydore
- Kington, Kington Rural and Lower Harpton and Huntington is listed under K for Kington
- Little Birch and Aconbury is listed under L for Little Birch
- Orleton and Richards Castle (Herefordshire) is listed under O for Orleton
If you have any queries please contact