As the shops re-opened, people returned to work and visitor numbers increased, temporary measures were introduced in Hereford and the market towns to give pedestrians and cyclists the space they need to maintain social distancing and travel safely.

04 September 2020

Cllr John Harrington, Cabinet member for infrastructure and transport said:

“We recently introduced a number of temporary travel measures to make it easier for people to walk and cycle safely around our towns and the City. As promised, we have listened to feedback and have decided to make some changes in response.

“Following feedback we’ve decided that it would not be right to continue with the bus and cycle lane scheme in Commercial Road, Hereford at this time.

“The Leominster High St closure, 10am-1pm, which was subject to extensive consultation and the full support of the town council, will now only take place on Fridays. I have spoken with a great number of people, including ward councillors, shop owners and hospitality businesses and it became clear that there were significant concerns around the closures. We have therefore made adjustments.

“I would like to thank everybody for their constructive input and we will continue to monitor and seek feedback as we adjust and modify schemes.”

The measures, which include temporary barriers and signage to widen footways, partial road closures and dedicated cycle lanes, allow more space to walk and cycle in busy areas, helping pedestrians and cyclists feel safer where space is shared.

Following feedback from businesses and individuals on the initial measures in Hereford, a number of revisions have been made:

  • The temporary barriers to widen footways on Bridge St, King St and Broad St are being replaced with planters to enhance the appearance of the measures in these historic streets
  • Parking bays have been reintroduced in Broad street as parallel bays (disabled and pay and display bays)
  • Temporary advisory pickup bays have been introduced in King St, which traders have identified as important in current conditions
  • Taxis will be able to travel northbound across the Old Wye Bridge from Saturday 22 August to support this alternative to private car use
  • The proposed bus and cycle lanes on Newmarket St and Blueschool St will not be implemented.

Cllr John Harrington, Cabinet member infrastructure and transport, explains: “We want to provide as much space to cyclists and pedestrians as possible to encourage people to use alternatives to the car to travel around the city, and to free up pavements for safe queuing and distancing.

“When we first introduced the temporary measures we promised we would listen to feedback from traders and residents on the impact on their journey and business, and respond. This is exactly what we have done with the revisions we have made.

“We want people to feel relaxed when they come into town and to spend more time and money within our towns and the City. Figures recently released by Hereford BID show an increase of 25% in footfall in Hereford, demonstrating the strength of our city’s appeal to residents and visitors. We would encourage feedback on the temporary measures in Hereford and the market towns so that we can continue to ensure they support pedestrians and cyclists to travel around the busiest areas safely.”

You can provide your feedback on the temporary travel measures at:

Published: 21st August 2020