Local people are being contacted for their views on Herefordshire’s highways and transport services – from the condition of roads and footpaths to the quality of cycling facilities

The questionnaire will be sent to a minimum random sample of at least 3300 county residents from 7 June, followed by a reminder, with local and national results to be published in late-October 2021.  Since the survey is based on a sample, residents that receive a copy are being urged to take part.

Answers will be compared with the views of other members of the public across England & Scotland, thanks to the National Highways and Transport Public Satisfaction survey.

The survey, which is being run for the 14th year, is the largest collaboration between Local Authorities offering the opportunity to compare results, share in best practice and identify further opportunities to work together in the future. 

Residents that receive the questionnaire can complete the survey online if they prefer, a short URL link will be printed on the front of the questionnaire and they will be required to enter a code before completing the questionnaire.

Cllr John Harrington, Cabinet member for Infrastructure and Transport, said: “This is a valuable opportunity to share your thoughts on our local Highways and Transport network so please take the time to respond if you can. This survey gives residents a chance to express their views on the way the network is managed and maintained and helps us to assess how the county is performing, areas to prioritise and improve, and deliver better outcomes for local people.

“These results also help the National Highways and Transport Network (which is a non-government organisation that has local authority membership) to gather the information needed for authorities like Herefordshire to potentially lobby the government for more appropriate funding – we estimate in Herefordshire that we are £100 million behind in returning the network of roads, paths and bridges to optimal condition. So whilst we fight for fair funding from the government, telling us, as an authority, where or how to spend precious resource is very helpful.

“I really would encourage people take part and share their views, personal knowledge and experience.”

Last Year’s survey results and more information available via www.nhtnetwork.co.uk

Published: 7th June 2021