Herefordshire Council is pleased to announce an afternoon and evening of free parking in Hereford.

On Saturday 12 February, parking will be absolutely free in all Council-owned car parks and on-street Pay & Display from 12noon.

Cllr John Harrington, Cabinet member for infrastructure and transport, said: “In the run up to Christmas each year, we grant several days of free parking to help residents save money and to promote our County as a place to visit local shops and leisure businesses. We consulted with key stakeholders at Hereford BID and the City Council, and this year they wanted something slightly different. Rather than the usual five late night shopping events at Christmas they were only three, with the others put towards this date in February – so we’re happy to offer this half-day of free parking in all Council-owned and on street Pay & Display car parks throughout the city, just in time for Valentine’s Day.”

Hereford Business Improvement District (BID) will be running their usual love Hereford event. “Following the excitement of the festive season, the winter months can sometimes feel a little grey and dreary – so we wanted to make a change and bring some Valentine’s colour to the city,” said Rhiannon Burns, Marketing Manager for Hereford City Life.

She continued, “We hope to see lots of visitors join us for our event and take advantage of all the fantastic Valentine’s offerings available from local businesses too.” 

For more information on parking, please visit our website.



Published: 4th February 2022