Better facilities for cyclists, measures to improve air quality and replacement paving will all further enhance visits to Hereford over the coming months

Visitors to Hereford will soon start to notice a range of improvements to further enhance the City Centre environment thanks to investment of £6million over the next two years.

The investment, funded jointly by the council and Marches LEP, comes following a difficult period for local traders due to government covid restrictions, and aims to encourage people to spend more time in the City when they visit, helping to boost the local economy.

In addition to the new trees and seating installed last year, many more trees are being introduced around the City. Air quality is set to be further enhanced with new moss filters which naturally filter impurities from the air.

Hereford market

Cyclists will benefit from new, green, cycle shelters and a new cycle contraflow along St Owen Street making it safer and easier for them to travel into the City Centre from the east. And work to improve drainage and paving in High Town, including replacement paving in Widemarsh Street (due to start in summer 2022) will make it more pleasant to walk around.

Councillor John Harrington, Cabinet member infrastructure and transport said: “It’s important that we continue to invest in our beautiful and historic City so that everyone who visits or works there has the best possible experience and enjoys spending time there.

“While a number of the planned improvements will take place this year, we’ll also be working with local businesses along Broad Street, King Street and the surrounding area to consider what improvements can be made in the Cathedral and River Wye Quarter of the City. This area is unique in its heritage and feel, so it’s vital we listen to the local business community and residents to identify the measures that would work best to enhance this area, with a view to their introduction by 2024.”

Hereford market

Marches LEP Chair, Mandy Thorn, said the £3m Getting Building Fund via the partnership for the improvements to Hereford City Centre would support the creation of 90 new jobs and 100 new homes.

“This scheme will not only increase footfall and the economic potential of businesses in Hereford, it will improve active travel opportunities and air quality and increase private investment in property, providing a modern city centre environment.

“This is one of a number of Herefordshire projects the LEP has supported, including Skylon Park, Hereford Enterprise Zone, which has received more than with £18m of investment and is forecast to deliver more than 2,200 jobs.”

Published: 5th February 2022