Ledbury Household Recycling Centre will soon be open for longer on Sundays

The Ledbury Household Recycling Centre will be open 8am – 4pm on Sundays, from Sunday 20 February 2022.

A big thank you to residents who use the site and currently recycle about 77% of their waste. The council hopes that the increased opening time will result in more recycling.

Residents are still required to book slots to visit the Household Recycling Centres. Only those who have booked a slot will be allowed entry.

This can be done online or, for those unable to book online, by contacting the Herefordshire Council customer services team on 01432 260051, who will book a slot for you.

The Household Recycling Centres are only open to Herefordshire residents, and the booking system is in place to ensure the safety of staff by controlling numbers of visitors and prevent queues at sites. Residents can book up to four slots every two weeks and will receive a pass before visiting. An email address and vehicle registration number are needed to secure the booking.

To book online and for more information, please visit Herefordshire.gov.uk/recycling

Published: 14th February 2022