Herefordshire’s tactical co-ordination group (TCG), responds to Storm Eunice.

Storm Eunice Update - 18 February 2022 13:50 

Herefordshire’s Tactical Co-ordination Group, the multi-agency group who respond to local incidents, continues to monitor and respond to Storm Eunice. Herefordshire is currently under an Amber warning issued by the MET Office.

Fallen tree caused by Storm Eunice

Image courtesy of Dr Malcolm Russell @MARSmedicalteam

Chair of the Tactical Co-ordination Group, Superintendent Edd Williams said:

“While we have not yet seen the wind speeds forecast, there is still a weather warning in place until 9pm this evening and we urge residents to take extra care when travelling.

As of 12:30hrs there are around 1200 homes across the county without power. It is expected that power to these homes will be resumed in less than three hours.

Police and ambulance crews have attended an incident at Holme Lacy House Hotel after a tree fell on to part of the building. I am pleased to report there are no casualties and residents are able to remain in the hotel.

Highways teams are working hard to clear fallen trees and resolve road closures when they occur. To report a fallen tree, call the Highways team 01432 261800. We would ask local residents for patience as we expect to respond to a high number of incidents due to the weather. 

We are also mindful of the impact of the weather across Wales. Once the wind has died down tomorrow, the rainfall over the weekend might also bring flooding to our roads and rivers. Please drive with care and do not drive through flood water.

Strong winds may bring down power lines which can affect power supplies to households and businesses. Please report any power loss to the Western Power team by calling 105. It is especially important for us to understand the impact in rural areas.”

More information and advice can be found on Herefordshire Council’s website  

17 February 2022

Herefordshire is currently under an Amber warning issued by the MET Office. Emergency services and local response teams are preparing for the significant impact of the storm. There is also preparation underway to support surrounding counties that are within the Red warning area and for the expected impact of rainfall in Wales that travels through our rivers.  

Chair of TCG, Superintendent Edd Williams said:

“Local agencies met today to anticipate the disruption that may be caused by Storm Eunice in Herefordshire. There are response plans in place and we are working closely together with partners to ensure we are adequately prepared. 

“We expect a period of strong winds between 8am and 3pm on Friday 18 February. The strength of the winds will likely be around 50-60mph but may reach 70-80mph across Herefordshire.

“Winds of this speed could bring down a lot of trees and we may damage to homes and infrastructure, along with transport issues. We appeal to all residents to consider if your journey is necessary on Friday. We also ask drivers to drive with extra care, particularly on open roads which may experience wind gusts.

“Highways teams will be working hard to clear road closures and fallen trees. To report a fallen tree, call the highways team 01432 261800. We ask local residents for patience as we expect to respond to a high number of incidents due to the weather. 

“We are also mindful of the impact of the weather across Wales. Once the wind has died down tomorrow, the rainfall over the weekend may bring flooding to our roads and rivers. Please drive with care and do not drive through flood water.”

Strong winds may bring down power lines, which can affect power supplies to households and businesses. If you need to contact the Western Power team, call 105.

Individual schools may choose to close due to the adverse conditions and the latest closures can be found on the council’s webpage:

More information and advice can be found here:

Published: 18th February 2022