Statement regarding the assessment of the on-going impact of storms Eunice and Franklin across the county.

Herefordshire’s Tactical Co-ordination Group (TCG), the multi-agency group who respond to local incidents, continue to assess the on-going impact of storms Eunice and Franklin across the county.

Superintendent Edd Williams, Chair of the TCG said:

“Flood alerts have been issued at many locations across Herefordshire throughout today. Herefordshire has seen river levels peak in some of its rivers, but we have yet to see the peak in Hereford at Belmont and Hereford Bridge, along with Mordiford and Ross-on-Wye. Tonight we have closed the Old Bridge in Hereford to traffic and pedestrians as we face rising river levels, which are expected to peak at around 5.4m overnight tonight.

From tomorrow (Tuesday) the weather is set to improve, with rain ceasing and wind speeds falling. As flooding subsides, it will take time to check the closed routes for damage and for flood debris to be cleared. Please do not drive through flood water and please observe ‘road closed’ signs. To report a flooded road, call the Highways Team on 01432 261800.

We continue to monitor the river levels to take any action required and would ask all residents to take care when travelling and around flood water. Our emergency response teams are also on standby to support colleagues and the public in surrounding counties- in Worcestershire where a major incident has been declared and in Shropshire, which is experiencing significant flooding.”

More information and advice can be found on our website.

Published: 21st February 2022