Councillor defers decision in light of public opinion

Following a public meeting last week, where Councillor John Harrington listened to the concerns of the community, a decision to introduce car parking charges in Kington has been deferred until a full transport study can be undertaken to understand the issues raised in detail.

The introduction of charges for off-street parking in the town had been proposed as the council considers how it can best meet the needs of residents and promote other ways of travel. It is important that the limited number of parking spaces in any town centre is correctly managed to enable visitors to find a parking space easily and conveniently when they arrive.

The transport study will align with the emerging scoping work set out in the Market Town Investment Plan for Kington, which is due to be considered by Cabinet on 24 March, and identify solutions to address the concerns raised around the parking.

The town council has been invited to review the transport study brief to ensure that it addresses their concerns before it is progressed. The study, which will include further consultation with the town council and local stakeholders, is anticipated to be completed over the summer.

Cllr John Harrington, cabinet member for infrastructure and transport, said:

“I’m grateful to the town council for arranging a public meeting last week as it was important to fully understand the detail behind the concerns expressed by those who may be affected by the proposed decision.

“I have reflected on the meeting and the issues raised and have agreed to defer the decision on the implementation of parking charges until the challenges and concerns raised by the community can be fully considered.

“By working with the community to align the transport study with the Kington Market Town Investment Plan I’m optimistic we will reach a solution that will help deliver economic benefits.”

Published: 10th March 2022