DEFRA has announced that as of 00:01 on Tuesday 18 April 2023, mandatory housing measures for poultry and captive birds will be lifted, following the latest assessment of the risk level.

This means that poultry and other captive birds will no longer need to be housed and can be kept outside (unless they are in a Protection Zone) and eggs laid by hens with access to outside range areas can return to being marketed as ‘Free-Range’ eggs.

Those who intend to allow their birds outside are advised to use the coming days to prepare their outside areas for the release of their birds, including cleansing and disinfection of hard surfaces, fencing off ponds or standing water and reintroduction of wild bird deterrents.

All bird keepers should continue to apply enhanced measures at all times to prevent the risk of future outbreaks. Poultry and captive bird keepers must:

  • cleanse and disinfect clothing, footwear, equipment and vehicles before and after contact with poultry and captive birds – if practical, use disposable protective clothing
  • reduce the movement of people, vehicles or equipment to and from areas where poultry and captive birds are kept, to minimise contamination from manure, slurry and other products, and use effective vermin control
  • thoroughly cleanse and disinfect housing on a continuous basis
  • keep fresh disinfectant at the right concentration at all farm and bird housing entry and exit points
  • minimise direct and indirect contact between poultry and captive birds and wild birds, including making sure all feed and water is not accessible to wild birds
  • be vigilant for any signs of disease in their birds and any wild birds, and seek prompt advice from their vet if they have any concerns

The UK Health agencies advise that viruses currently circulating in birds in the UK do not spread easily to people and food standards bodies’ advice that avian influenzas pose a very low food safety risk for UK consumers.

Bird keepers should report suspicion of disease in England to the Defra Rural Services Helpline on 03000 200 301. Keepers should familiarise themselves with our avian flu advice.

Members of the public are reminded not to touch or pick up any dead or sick birds that you find. Any dead swans, geese or ducks or other dead wild birds that are found should be reported to the Defra helpline by using the new online reporting system or by calling 03459 33 55 77.

Published: 17th April 2023