Would you like to be part of shaping Herefordshire’s future?

In March 2023, Herefordshire launched the Big Economic Plan, an ambitious partnership document setting out a collective vision for the future growth of the county, up to 2050. The vision is:

In 2050 Herefordshire is a vibrant, healthy, zero carbon, and inclusive place to live, work, study and visit at all stages of life. Our rural communities, market towns and university city are thriving with high quality employment, housing and services. A high technology, higher value and creative economy has enabled living standards to rise. We have protected our rich natural environment.

2050 Economic Plan

The Plan sets out five major changes to ways of working locally, that partners have agreed are core to ensuring delivery.

The Herefordshire Sustainable Growth Strategy Board (HSGSB) oversaw the development of the Big Economic Plan and has drafted the first five year delivery plan. HSGSB now invites others to join a new Economy and Place Board that will build on the work of the Board, all key stakeholders and partners and take over the baton to help the county reach the 2050 Vision.

The role of the Economy and Place Board is to bring together organisations, businesses and individuals, who need to work together to take forward the Economic Plan and 5 yearly delivery actions.  

We are now in the recruitment process for new board members and are also seeking an independent chair. If you’d like to be involved, we’d love to hear from you. You can download the Chair and Board Member job descriptions and application details.

You can also find further details on the role of the new partnership board on the website.  Please can you help us spread the word and share the details with any groups, organisations and individuals who you think may be interested in applying, or hearing more?

The deadline for applications is noon 18 May 2023.

Published: 27th April 2023