New rooms will provide families with privacy and comfort during meetings

Work is well on its way at Herefordshire Council’s Plough Lane offices to transform a series of rooms into family and child friendly spaces with the project due to be completed at the end of July.

The rooms are being transformed for families who are meeting Children’s Services care and support staff and a dedicated entrance to the building is being created so families can access the new area directly without having to go through the main reception area.

The new facilities are part of the council’s ongoing improvement plan to transform children’s services and drive forward improvements.

Darryl Freeman, Herefordshire Council’s Corporate Director for Children and Young People, said:

“We’ve embarked on a wide-ranging and exciting programme of activity to improve our services for children and young people. This building work is one example of the work that is underway to provide children and families with the services they deserve.

“It is really important that we serve families better in Herefordshire and have suitable meeting rooms in which people can meet with social workers in comfort and privacy and in spaces which are less intimidating for children.

“We look forward to seeing the completion of this work and welcoming families to the new facilities at the end of July.”

Councillor Ivan Powell, Cabinet Member Children and Young People, added:

“The new designated meeting spaces will enable social care staff to work with and support Herefordshire families in a private environment.”

For more information about the wider improvement plan work please visit the Herefordshire’s children’s services improvements page on the council’s website:

Published: 28th June 2023