All you need to know about Alcohol Awareness Week in Herefordshire

How much alcohol can you safely drink? How many units of alcohol are there in a pint of cider? Or a large glass of wine?

We are regularly told that men and women shouldn’t drink any more than 14 units of alcohol a week. And that those units should be spread across the week, rather than reserved for a weekend binge. But what does 14 units of alcohol look like?

Herefordshire’s Turning Point team will provide answers to these and similar questions at pop-up events around the county during Alcohol Awareness Week, 3 – 9 July. Meet the team between 10am – 4pm at the following places:

  • Weds 5 July            Hereford, High Town, opposite Apple store
  • Thurs 6 July            Ross-on-Wye, market space, opposite Boots
  • Fri 7 July                 Leominster, Corn Square

The Turning Point team is brimming with information and advice on all things alcohol. This includes the benefits of drinking less, tips to steer you towards drinking less and busting the myths associated with drinking alcohol.

Taster sessions

The team will have a limited number of sample mocktails on their stall to give you a taste of an alcohol-free evening. When those run out, the team will be happy to provide you with the recipes to make them yourself, so your sober celebrations can be a lot more fun than a tipsy night on the tiles.

Alcohol Awareness Week is a great opportunity to get out and about in our market towns to meet people and provide some clear advice and information on the dangers of drinking. Many won’t know how many children are affected by alcohol-dependent parents, for example.

Chris Franks, operations manager at Turning Point, says:

“People can come along to meet the Turning Point team and ask whatever questions they have about alcohol. Our team will provide all the guidance needed for people to make small changes that can significantly reduce the costs associated with alcohol use. They can also tell you about the signs of withdrawal, what support is available if you’re dependently drinking and why it’s important to seek emergency help if needed.”

Matt Pearce, Herefordshire Council’s director of public health, adds:

“I’m really pleased Turning Point will be out in Herefordshire during Alcohol Awareness Week. There are so many reasons to learn more about the adverse health effects from drinking. Not just for alcohol-dependent men and women, who may suffer from a number of significant health issues. But also their families, partners and children can be badly affected by their drinking.

“I hope anyone who’s concerned about their own drinking habits, or someone they know, will come to one of the pop-up events to get information and support from the Turning Point team.”

Published: 30th June 2023