Proposals for the new location of Hereford’s library and learning centre are set to be discussed at the next cabinet meeting on Thursday 20 July.

The proposals follow a strategic review of several location options for the new library and learning centre.

Hereford library is moving to allow the building in Broad Street to be redeveloped into an exciting, modern, museum and art gallery.

There had been proposals for the library to move to Maylord Orchards centre. However, since plans for the move were first developed in 2020, there have been changes in demand for retail and commercial space, the draft Hereford City Masterplan has identified a wide range of future needs for sites in the city centre, and alternative locations have become available for redevelopment.

While the review looked at a number of potential options, the two locations being more fully considered are Hereford’s Shirehall and Maylord Orchards.

The option to locate the library within Shirehall is being recommended as the preferred option as it would revitalise a noted building within the city and support the planned investment in promoting Hereford as a prominent cultural and historic centre.

The council’s cabinet will meet to review and discuss the new proposals contained in the report once it has undergone pre-scrutiny review. The review report is available on the council website.

The library will move from its current home in Broad Street to its temporary home within the Museum Resource and Learning Centre at 58 Friars Street, where it will operate from Tuesday 18 July until the new library and learning centre is completed.


Published: 12th July 2023