Following a Cabinet decision, Herefordshire Council has agreed to work in partnership with Wye Valley Trust (WVT) with a view to developing a new Education Centre at Hereford County Hospital.

Work is well underway on a business case that looks at the viability and options around a potential partnership and investment model, alongside a charitable fundraising element, to support the vision of the Trust. After thorough consideration and development, this outline business case will be brought back to Cabinet and the WVT Trust Board for authorisation in the Autumn of 2023.

Wye Valley NHS Trust has a vision to make the Trust a destination for students and staff for high-quality education, a lasting positive experience and to support the recruitment and retention of staff. They have developed a strategic outline case for the development of an integrated education centre for the Trust and local community that will provide:

  • Multi-professional education
  • Equitable and life-long learning for all staff
  • An exemplar education facility available to a wide range of local community groups, serving the public, patients and service users
  • An education facility that is shared with partners and supports learning beyond traditional healthcare education

Through this investment, Wye Valley Trust will be able to offer more opportunity for staff training, which in turn will retain staff at the hospital and encourage more people to live and work in Herefordshire.

Greater retention and skill-development of staff will provide a more consistent and efficient offer for local residents, and the community will be able to make the most of the training and development opportunities on offer, helping retain higher level skills within the County and growing the economy.

Cllr Graham Biggs, Cabinet Member Economy and Growth, said: “One of the Council’s priorities is to strengthen and expand our partnership working across the county as an enabler for economic growth and improving our local base of professional skills. This development, if it comes to fruition, will provide an exemplar facility which will facilitate partnership working across patient and service user groups, public service and education, as well as the charity and voluntary sector.

“The proposals are very exciting, and would lead to the creation of a vibrant learning space and community hub for Herefordshire. It is my pleasure to approve the preparation of a business case, and I look forward to hearing more once this business case has been prepared."

County hospital

Alan Dawson, Chief Strategy and Planning Officer at Wye Valley NHS Trust said: “This exciting proposal could see a multi-use building that will both attract NHS staff to work in Herefordshire, getting the same educational opportunities as they would in bigger centres, whilst providing a landmark building that becomes a community asset for residents.”

For more information, please read the meeting papers.

Published: 4th August 2023