The #30days30waysUK campaign is running throughout September to help people prepare for events such as flood, cyber security and power cuts

It’s important that individuals and communities prepare for any kind of emergency.

Throughout September, Herefordshire Council will be sharing a daily theme on social media, giving advice and information on how to prepare for an incident such as flooding, cyber security and road safety.

Through the hashtag #30days30waysUK, the council will link to information and trusted resources by other emergency, health and public services partners across Herefordshire and nationally.

#30days30waysUK is about the small and easy steps everyone can take to be prepared and take action for themselves, their family and their community, be informed and sign up for warnings.

You can follow the campaign by following the hashtag #30days30waysUK on social media channels.

Find out more

Published: 1st September 2023