Local people have less than a week to take part in the Local Plan consultation and the Local Transport Plan engagement, which both close on 20 May.

The draft Local Plan document sets out how the county could grow in the longer term. It is important as it relates to new development of housing, businesses and industry as well as identifying the necessary infrastructure to support growth such as community facilities like schools, medical facilities, and community halls as well as transport links. Additionally, it sets out what land should be kept available for recreation, farming and wildlife. The Local Plan 2021- 2041 will outline the planning framework for the county for the period to 2041 while at the same time achieving the Council’s social, economic and environmental objectives.

The Local Transport Plan describes the travel infrastructure needed to support the Local Plan - including footways, cycle lanes, roads and bus services. It sets out what, where and how we intend to invest in transport in Herefordshire. The Plan will cover the period from 2024 to 2041. At this early stage, the council would like to understand people’s priorities for improving transport services in the county. The feedback provided will help to shape the detail of the plan, before a wider public consultation on the proposals is undertaken later in the year.

Materials to respond to the Local Plan consultation and Local Transport Plan engagement can be found at:

Published: 14th May 2024