Council poll invites young people to select their preferred Hub branding

Herefordshire Council is inviting hundreds of young people to give their thoughts on the look of the county’s new Youth Employment Hub.

A poll launched today asks young people to select their favourite shop front from four design options.

The preferred design will become the branding for the central Youth Employment Hub due to open later this year in Blueschool Street, Hereford, with other employment hubs appearing across the county in the future.

The Youth Employment Hub will host representatives from statutory, voluntary and private organisations to ensure a wide range of careers and training advice is available in one place.

Young people aged 16 – 24 will be able to access information on further education, employment opportunities, apprenticeships and training courses. Dedicated support will be on hand to provide advice on interview skills and support with putting CVs together.

The initiative will also include a new website, providing 24/7 employment and training information to help young people make informed career choices.

Young people can take part in the Youth Employment Hub shop front poll by visiting The closing date for feedback is 30 June 2024.

Amy Tommey, Herefordshire Council's Youth Employment Hub Co-ordinator


Amy Tommey, Youth Employment Hub Co-ordinator, said:

“Children and young people are at the heart of everything we do in Herefordshire. We really want young people to become involved in the Youth Employment Hub project and give us their views on how they want the Hub to look by completing the shop front poll.

“It’s important that the Hub appeals to young people and it becomes a comfortable, safe space, where they can visit to access information and advice on employment and training to help them make important decisions about their future careers.”

Published: 30th May 2024