With the proportion of residents aged 65 and over in the county rising, Herefordshire’s Director of Public Health’s newly-published report sets out a vision to support residents to stay healthy and age well

Herefordshire’s Director of Public Health’s annual report highlights the challenges and opportunities associated with ageing well and the actions people can take to improve their health and wellbeing as they grow older.

With a significant proportion of Herefordshire’s population over the age of 65 and the number of over 85 year olds rising rapidly, the report highlights the role which public services and residents can take to look after their health.

Matt Pearce


Dr Matt Pearce says:

“Whilst people in Herefordshire are living longer and that this should be celebrated, it does bring its challenges for both individuals and our local services and it’s important that as a society, we ensure that older age is as healthy and enjoyable as possible.”

He goes onto to say that,

“Whilst old age is associated with a range of health conditions, these are not inevitable, and there are lots of simple steps we can all take to help reduce the risks of serious health conditions and improve our wellbeing, so we can continue to enjoy life and live independently as we age well.”

The report includes a range of tips for better ageing, including, adopting health behaviours, for example, being more active, reducing alcohol consumption, keeping in touch with others and staying connected to reduce the risk of loneliness and social isolation.

You can find more information to help you age well in the Keeping well, staying healthy section of the council’s Talk Community Directory website.

To view the Director of Public Health’s Annual Report for 2023, visit the council’s website.

Published: 6th June 2024