Primary schools sign up to the council’s new Healthy Schools Programme following a launch event

Over 90 representatives, including staff from 38 of the county’s primary schools, attended a launch event for the new Herefordshire Healthy Schools Programme on Wednesday 19 June at The Shell Store, Hereford.

Attendees heard how the new programme, led by Herefordshire Council’s public health team, will integrate into primary and secondary school curriculums to support the health and wellbeing of pupils and staff.

The scheme will promote the benefits of healthy eating, physical activity and good emotional health in schools and at home.

A representative from Kids Kitchen, along with some pupils from Riverside Primary School, provided a practical food demonstration and then treated delegates to samples of healthy breakfast snacks.

25 community providers who work with schools, also manned stalls and provided attendees with health and wellbeing information.

Healthy Schools Launch Event


Matt Pearce, Herefordshire’s Director of Public Health, said:

“I would like to thank everyone who attended our Healthy Schools Programme launch event. We were delighted by the response from primary schools and our partners who work with schools to support the wellbeing of staff and pupils.

“Our team is already working with primary schools across the county to integrate the scheme into every day learning. We will be rolling the initiative out to our secondary schools later this year.”

Published: 20th June 2024