A new Electric Vehicle (EV) Strategy has been published that sets out how the county will address current issues and support the widespread transition to electric vehicles.

Herefordshire has seen a 36% increase in EV ownership from early 2023 to early 2024 but the lack of charging infrastructure is one of the barriers causing some drivers to delay making the switch. As of July 2024, there were 104 public charge points available in Herefordshire, but it is predicted that 1,416 chargers will be required by 2030.

The EV strategy sets out how the council will help meet the need for charge point infrastructure. In addition to the Strategy, a Roadmap has been created that sets out the pathway to date, as well as ongoing actions and future opportunities.

The Strategy takes into account national and local policy, along with funding prospects, to review both the available opportunities, and the challenges to improving EV charging infrastructure.

The council already has a concession contract with a charge point operator to deliver charge points across our public car parks. It is also taking part in the government funded Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) scheme, working with a consortium of Local Authorities to deliver on a wide variety of infrastructure, including on-street charge points. This strategy will support the progress of these schemes and other associated work, while providing guidance for future projects.

Cllr Philip Price, Cabinet Member Transport and Infrastructure, said: “Following the declaration of a Climate and Ecological Emergency in March 2019, the council pledged to dramatically reduce its carbon emissions in the short term, aspiring to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2030/2031.

“Herefordshire Council has an important role to play in facilitating the wider switch to low emissions vehicles and sustainable transport options, and this Strategy will play a key part in that effort. It will help us to provide for our residents by lowering emissions, improving air quality and ensuring that access to EV charging infrastructure meets the projected demand.”

The Strategy can be found on the Herefordshire Council website.

Published: 10th September 2024