National No Smoking Day takes place on 12 March and there’s lots of local support on hand to help you kick the habit for good.
Giving up smoking is the best thing you can do for your health, and if you quit you will see almost immediate improvements. It’s never too late to give up and Herefordshire’s Stop Smoking Service (provided by the Healthy Lifestyles Team) is on hand to help.
The help is free-of-charge and available to all Herefordshire residents who are smokers. You will receive 12 weeks of personal stop smoking support tailored to meet your particular needs. Meetings can be face-to-face or on the telephone and you can choose from a range of nicotine replacement therapy options or a free vape kit to help you quit.
Our Healthy Lifestyles Team also provides group-support and drop-ins at locations in Hereford, Bosbury and Leominster. Full details are available in the Talk Community Directory.
Harpal Aujla, Consultant in Public Health at Herefordshire Council, said:
There’s no need for those struggling to give up smoking to go it alone. The free expert support provided by our Healthy Lifestyles team offers a great opportunity to stop smoking for good and to start reaping the benefits to health.
Not only that, but quitting smoking will also save you lots of money. The average smoker in Herefordshire spends £2,338 per year on their habit. What could you do with that money if you didn’t spend it on tobacco?
I would encourage anyone who wants to stop smoking to set No Smoking Day, 12 March, as their quit date. If you can stop smoking for 28 days, you’re five times more likely to give up for good. So, please do get in touch with the team or attend a support group for help with your personal journey towards meeting this goal.
Dr Paul Harris, GP and Herefordshire Tobacco Control Alliance Partner, said:
Smoking is still the single largest preventable cause of death in England, accounting for around 74,000 deaths annually. In addition to being the biggest avoidable risk factor for cancer, smoking also causes arteries in your body to clog up with fatty deposits which can result in heart attacks, and even loss of limbs. Smokers are also three times more likely than a non-smoker to suffer from a stroke. Take back control of your health and stub out smoking for good.
Previous participants in the Stop Smoking Service have been very positive about the service they’ve received. One said:
I knew what I needed to do but seeing you has given me that push I needed and I’ve found the support invaluable.
Whilst another commented:
Thank you for all your support. I can’t believe I have quit … your support has been amazing.
To find out more about the Stop Smoking support available, email the team or call 01432 383567.