The ‘Baton of Hope’ is coming to Herefordshire on Thursday 2 October and we’re seeking baton bearers to help change the conversation on suicide and suicide prevention.

The Baton of Hope is a national campaign dedicated to increasing awareness, fostering hope and inspiring action to reduce suicide rates across the country.

If you or anyone you know have been personally affected by suicide, whether through personal experience or the loss of a loved one, we’d love you to get involved by volunteering to be a baton bearer when the procession comes through Hereford this autumn.

The route will broadly follow the Zipper bus route through Hereford City Centre. Baton bearers will carry the baton through a designated section (usually between 200m and 500m) at a steady walking pace.

Councillor Carole Gandy, Cabinet Member for Adults, Health and Wellbeing said:

Suicide has a devastating impact on individuals, families and local communities. In our rural communities we know that farmers are particularly vulnerable to feelings of loneliness, isolation and pressure of work and that poor mental health is 46% higher than in other occupations*. But suicide can affect anyone in any community and we must do all we can to understand and help those who feel there is no other option for them.

Becoming a baton bearer is a great opportunity for anyone who has been affected by suicide in any way to raise awareness and understanding – and to demonstrate that those suffering are not alone.

Applications to become a baton bearer close on 31 March 2025. Further details and how to apply can be found on the Baton of Hope application page.

 * From Tackling mental health in the farming community of Herefordshire


Published: 10th March 2025