About the lengthsman scheme

The purpose of this initiative is to devolve some minor highway works to parish councils. It enables parish councils to identify minor defects and maintenance requirements and, in many instances, repair them with funds allocated by Herefordshire Council.

Parishes can use the delegated budgets to employ a local contractor familiar with the area.

Examples of the type of work available for delegation include:


  • Clear leaves and other debris from gully grid tops and drainage grips
  • Clear vegetation from the entrances and exits of highway culverts

Unlit traffic signs

  • Ensure legibility and visibility of traffic signs including straightening, cleaning and removing vegetation
  • Repaint traditional finger and mileposts

General maintenance

  • Verge cutting
  • Cut back overgrown hedges encroaching on footways. Strim overgrowth along footways in urban areas
  • Paint and repair fences
  • Clear foliage blocking the visibility of road traffic signs
  • Clear all minor storm debris discharged onto the highway and keep tidy all specified roads
  • Nominated task specifically relating to a minor highway maintenance item - as and when agreed by our contractor


There has been a great deal of positive feedback, both from parishes and parishioners on the scheme. Many of the parishes currently in the scheme wish to continue and each year the funding arrangements are revisited to provide opportunities for additional parishes to join each year.


Currently there are over 100 parishes participating in the scheme.

Further information

If you are a parish council interested in participating in the scheme, please email lengthsman@herefordshire.gov.uk