Local Framework
Herefordshire Local Plan Core Strategy 2011 – 2031
Some key environmental, ecological and climate policies within the Core Strategy are listed below. Please read the full document to see the policies in full.
Policy SS7 – Addressing Climate Change (p45)
Development proposals will be required to include measures which will mitigate their impact on climate change. This includes:
- Focusing development on the most suitable locations
- Delivering development that encourages travel options including walking, cycling and public transport
- Designing developments to reduce carbon emissions and use resources more efficiently
Policy MT1 – Traffic Management, Highway Safety and Promoting Active Travel (p130)
Development proposals should promote and incorporate transport connections, including access to services by means other than private motorised transport. They should encourage active travel behaviour to reduce numbers of short distance car journeys through the use of travel plans and other promotional and awareness raising activities.
Policy LD2 – Biodiversity and Geodiversity (p146)
Development proposals should conserve, restore and enhance the biodiversity and geodiversity assets of Herefordshire through retention and protection of nature conservation sites and habitats and important species. They should restore and enhance existing biodiversity and connectively to wider ecological networks and create new biodiversity features and wildlife habitats.
Policy LD3 – Green Infrastructure (p149)
Development proposals should protect, manage and plan for the preservation of existing and delivery of new green infrastructure. They should identify, retain and protect existing green corridors and linkages including tree, hedgerows, woodlands, water courses and the adjoining flood plain.
Policy SD1 – Sustainable Design and Energy Efficiency (p151)
Development proposals should create safe, sustainable, well integrated environments for all members of the community. Proposals should make efficient use of land and utilise physical sustainability measures including provision of water conservation measures, storage for bicycles and enable renewable energy and energy conservation infrastructure. Where possible, on-site renewable energy generation should be incorporated and sustainable construction methods should be utilised.
Policy SD2 – Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Generation (p154)
Development proposal that seek to deliver renewable and low carbon energy will be supported when they meet certain criteria including not resulting in any significant detrimental impact upon the character of the landscape and can be connected efficiently to existing nation grid infrastructure if required.
National Framework
National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)
NPPF Chapter 2
The purpose of the planning system is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development.
This means planning to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
There are three overarching objectives, one of which is an environmental objective to contribute to protecting and enhancing our natural, built and historic environment. This includes:
- Making effective use of land
- Helping to improve biodiversity
- Using natural resources prudently
- Minimising waste and pollution
- Mitigating and adapting to climate change
- Moving to a low carbon economy
NPPF Chapter 14: Meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding and coastal change
The planning system should support the transition to a low carbon future in a changing climate, taking full account of flood risk and coastal change.
Planning should help to shape places in ways that:
- Contribute to radical reductions in greenhouse gas emissions
- Minimise vulnerability
- Improve resilience