Planning and Regulatory Committee
The Planning and Regulatory Committee operates on a three-weekly cycle. The committee determines applications for planning and listed building consents which are not decided by an officer; and its licensing sub-committee fulfils the council’s licensing duties not undertaken by an officer.
All meetings are open to the public and are held at the Shirehall, St Peter's Square, Hereford HR1 2HX. Applicants, parish councils and members of the public who have made representations within the specified time period can address the Planning and Regulatory Committee when their application is heard, providing they meet and follow our guidance on public speaking on planning applications.
There are already extensive consultation and neighbour notification procedures for applications, but the ability to speak at the committee meeting enables an even wider opportunity for the applicant/supporters, objectors and the Parish/Town Council, to put forward their views directly to the Members of the Committee, before the decision is made.
This scheme only operates for planning applications that for various reasons are the subject of a report to the Planning Committee. In order to have the opportunity to speak you will have:
- Made an application being the applicant or agent, or
- Made your views known as the Parish/Town Council
- Made your views known as a member of the public on an application within the period specified for receipt of representations.
The right to speak applies equally to those who are objectors or supporters or their representatives.
For further information, or to make a representation, please contact Governance Services.