Consultation on the Herefordshire Council Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment

The Health and Wellbeing Board of Herefordshire Council have produced a draft local Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) which will help ensure residents have good access to local pharmacy services. The last PNA was published in 2018 and a new PNA is due to be published on 1 October 2022.

This PNA provides an assessment of the current provision of pharmaceutical services across Herefordshire and whether this meets the needs of the population, identifying any potential gaps in service delivery. The PNA will also be used by NHS England to consider applications to open new pharmacies, or to commission additional services from pharmacies. Local commissioners may also use information and evidence contained within the PNA to commission additional services from community pharmacies. 

How to comment on the draft PNA

We have consulted with the public during January this year. We are now gathering views from stakeholders. We would like your views on the draft PNA before it is finalised and published.

The consultation will run from 1 August 2022 until 29 September 2022.

Please read the draft documents below and then use the yellow button to complete an email form to send us your comments.

Send us your comments

Complete the email form with your comments

Further information

To limit the environmental impact of this consultation we would prefer that the document is read electronically. However, if you do require a paper copy of the form or have any queries, please contact

How we will use your feedback

All feedback will be considered and a consultation report will be included within the final PNA (due to be published by 1st October 2022). This will give an overview of the feedback received and set out how this has impacted the final document.

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