Conflict is a normal and necessary part of family life. However, when conflict between parents is destructive, it can have negative consequences both for parents and their children

Exposure to parental conflict is estimated to feature in the lives of more than 1.2 million children. It is known to cause emotional and behavioural problems during childhood and impact on life chances.

These destructive conflict behaviours include aggression, non-verbal conflict or "silence to violence", lack of respect and emotional control and lack of resolution. In their most extreme form, destructive conflict behaviour can result in domestic abuse

How we are reducing parental conflict

We are working with partners on reducing family conflict and supporting families earlier so conflict doesn't lead to lasting damage for children, young people and parents.

Offering support to address other issues in families is likely to be ineffective where the conflict between parents is not acknowledged and addressed.

We're dedicated to reducing family conflict for a number of reasons. These include:

  • Evidence shows reducing conflict between parents is one of the most effective ways to reduce mental health problems in children.
  • Family conflict costs the public sector around £46 billion a year through related services.
  • Exposure to frequent conflict between parents is associated with a range of problems for children and young people. These can include poorer academic outcomes, negative peer relationships, substance misuse and poor future relationships.


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