Development of the new library and learning resource centre

Shirehall is preferred location for Hereford library

In July 2023, Cabinet agreed to pause the decision to relocate Hereford's new library and learning centre to Maylord Orchards following a strategic review of options for its re-location. At the October Cabinet meeting, Shirehall was approved as the preferred location.

Artist's impression of library at Shirehall - groundfloor

Locating the library and learning centre in Shirehall offers more space to deliver our library service, further opportunities to generate income and allows us to bring an important civic building back into use for the community.

Hereford's new library and learning centre will offer much improved facilities and services for learning, digital literacy, cultural activity and wellbeing. We're already developing ideas and partnerships for the new library.

Artist's impression of library at Shirehall - children's area

Artist's impression of Library at Shirehall from stage

The iconic Assembly Hall will be repurposed as the library with the stage transformed into a dramatic seating space for reading, working, programming and events. The ground floor space will house the learning centre including a digital lounge, sensory room, makerspace and training room.

Temporary library

The library is currently located in its temporary home at the Museum Resource and Learning Centre, 58 Friars Street, Hereford. The library moved out of its former home in Broad Street so the building can undergo a major redevelopment and refurbishment programme. This redevelopment aims to transform the building into a modern new home for Hereford Museum and Art Gallery.

Artist's impression of library at Shirehall from door end