Development of the new library and learning resource centre

Shirehall library and learning centre reaches new milestone

The renovation of one of Hereford's most historic buildings, the Shirehall, is now a step closer as design proposals have been submitted that will transform the building into a new library and learning centre, and versatile community space.

The renovation will breathe new life into the building, offering a variety of spaces and services. In addition to being home to a modern library and learning centre, the Shirehall will feature meeting rooms, community skills development areas, heritage interpretation and tours, hireable courtroom spaces and offices for the Coroner and Registrars.

Artist's impression of the Shirehall library view from entrance

Locating the library and learning centre in the Shirehall offers more space to deliver our library service, further opportunities to generate income and allows us to bring an important civic building back into use for the community.

Hereford's new library and learning centre will offer much improved facilities and services for learning, digital literacy, cultural activity and wellbeing. We're already developing ideas and partnerships for the new library.

Artisti's impression of the Shirehall library children's space

Artisti's impression of the Shirehall library view from the stage

The iconic Assembly Hall will be repurposed as the library with the stage transformed into a dramatic seating space for reading, working, programming and events. The ground floor space will house the learning centre including a digital lounge, sensory room, makerspace and training room.

Temporary library

The library moved out of its former home in Broad Street so the building can undergo a major redevelopment and refurbishment programme. This redevelopment aims to transform the building into a modern new home for Hereford Museum and Art Gallery.

While the Shirehall undergoes its two-year renovation, Hereford Library has relocated on an interim basis to the Town Hall. The new library space at the Town Hall opened on Tuesday 22 October 2024.

Artist's impression of the Shirehall library information desk area