Road accident data

Sadly, each year in Herefordshire we witness around 300 recorded personal injury road traffic collisions across the entirety of our road network, resulting in approximately 350 casualties of all severities on Herefordshire's roads.

We hold and maintain statistics on all recorded personal injury road traffic collisions within the county dating back to 1979, which is supplied and updated regularly through the national CRASH reporting system operated by West Mercia Police and the Department for Transport.

Annual analysis of this data allows us to investigate all aspects of road traffic collisions on the county's roads, helping us to understand what factors or elements of road infrastructure may have influenced why a collision happened, and also help identify areas where more significant numbers occur and engineering interventions may be possible. This enables us to prioritise limited resources for road improvements, targeting locations with the most significant collision numbers and also helps inform and develop our annual programme of road safety education campaigns, delivered across the county.

Should you require detailed road traffic collision information, we currently undertake enquires and supply data for a charge of £110 (inc. VAT) per enquiry area, subject to a maximum of 50 records per enquiry. Data is supplied as a contributory factors report via electronic PDF, together with receipt for payment where necessary, and we aim to supply all data as soon as possible, within 14 days of request.

In order to process your request, please provide the following information:

  • A clear plan outlining the area of interest (this can be a suitable extract from Google Maps or similar identifying the specific area/length of road in question)
  • The date period for the data (please note: due to processing timescales, the latest available data is usually six weeks behind the current date) and anything within a current "live" year can be subject to variation, until formal data sign off with the Police and DfT the following year
  • A purchase order covering payment of £110 (inc. VAT) to allow for invoicing

To request road traffic collision data, discuss any aspect of your enquiry or explore alternative ways to pay (if required) please contact us at email