Charges apply for all of the following:
- Delivery of general rubbish bins where the property uses sacks to put their waste out for collection but wants a black bin to store their waste between collections
- Delivery of a larger standard general rubbish bin where eligibility criteria has been met
- Delivery or swap of any size recycling container
- Delivery of additional recycling sacks requested outside of the delivery period
- Removal of any bins
- Damaged bins unless it is the result of the collection operative
How can I pay for my bin?
The easiest way to pay for your bin delivery/swap is by completing the request a new bin or change the size of an existing bin online form. Alternatively, you can order a new bin or sacks by calling customer services on 01432 260051.
What is the charge covering?
The charge is for the costs of administration and delivery. The additional charge for replacing a damaged bin covers the cost of providing you with a new bin and you are not paying for your old bins.
When will my bin be delivered?
We aim to deliver all bins within 10 working days of your order being approved. If you have completed your request online, you will receive an email to inform you when your order has been approved.
We apologise but we do not provide a tracking system for when bins will be delivered. If you have asked for your bin to be swapped or replaced, please:
- Leave your existing bin where it can be easily seen and accessed
- If we are unable to remove your old bin, we will not delivery your new one and you will need to request delivery again, including paying the delivery fee
- You can continue to use your bin while you are waiting for it to be swapped
- You do not need to be at home
- If you have excess rubbish or recycling while waiting for your bin to be swapped, you can take it to a household recycling centre.
Where possible the bin will be delivered within the boundary of your property. If there are any problems, a delivery note will be posted through your door.
How do I know if my bin has been delivered/swapped?
Our bin delivery crews will place a note through your letterbox and record on their in-cab device when they have completed your bin delivery. You will also be able to see an update under the My Request section of your My Account once delivery has been attempted/completed.
I have reported my bin as lost or stolen but I have now found it
If you find your bin after asking for a replacement, please let us know as soon as possible by calling 01432 260051.
What can I do to help prevent my bin from being damaged or going missing?
The bin remains the property of the council, however, the householder is responsible for keeping the bin safe, in a clean condition and reporting any damaged, lost or stolen bins.
There are several things you can do to help prevent your bin from being damaged or going missing:
- Ensure your bin is labelled with your property name or number
- Please only place your bin out for collection either the night before your collection day, or by 6.30am on the day of collection
- Try and ensure that your bin is brought back in as soon as possible after the collection. If you are not at home your neighbour may be able to help you with this
You may also be able to claim on your insurance for replacement bins.
Can I keep a damaged bin if I pay for a replacement?
No, the damaged bin remains the property of Herefordshire Council and will need to be returned to us. The charge you have paid for replacing the bin covers the cost of providing you with a new bin and you are not paying for your old bin.
What happens if my bin is damaged during collection?
If a container is damaged and the fault lies with the collection crew, this will be recorded and a new container will be delivered free of charge. A note will be either attached to your bin or delivered through your letterbox to advise you that this has happened.
This excludes any damage caused by overfilling the container or placing unacceptable items in it.
What happens if I do not pay for a bin I have damaged?
We have a legal requirement under Section 45 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (EPA) to collect household waste. Section 46 says that the local authority can define the kind of receptacles to be used and can require the occupier to pay for it.
Residents who decline to pay for the supply of a bin may be served with a Section 46 notice under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and/or other relevant legislation. The notice will require the provision by the householder of the necessary containers for their waste. Failure to comply with this notice may lead to the issuing of a fixed penalty notice and/or prosecution by the council, if the resident puts rubbish out in an unauthorised container.
Unless your property is considered unsuitable for a collection service using the bin, you will be required to put your waste in a bin rather than sacks. The list of exemptions is available in section 5 of our service standards.
You may prefer to dispose of your rubbish yourself by taking it to one of our household recycling centres, rather than pay for a replacement bin.
Please note, you will need to make a booking before visiting any of the centres.
Why do I have to pay for my bins or more recycling sacks?
Future year budgets are subject to substantial financial pressures and the council has to continue to make significant savings, therefore, can no longer afford to provide some services for free. We provide a standard collection service to all households.
Where requests are made for a different service and this is approved, we will provide this service on a full cost recovery basis where permitted to do so. We do not charge you for the waste collected but charge for the cost to deliver or swap or replace bins and recycling sacks.
Why does my Council Tax not cover this cost?
The proportion of your Council Tax that is attributed to waste services is very small. The majority of your contribution to waste services covers the collection and safe disposal of your waste. As pressure on budgets increase, the council can no longer afford to provide some services free of charge.
Is the council making money by charging for bins?
We are not making money by charging for bins, we are covering our own costs only.
Can I buy my own bins from elsewhere?
No, we supply bins which meet EU safety standards and are suitable for use with the lifting equipment used by our collection contractor, therefore, only bins provided by the council will be emptied by our contractor.
Can I avoid the admin charge by collecting my new bins from the depot?
No, bins are available via our delivery service only.
What happens if I only need a replacement lid or wheels?
Once the bin is considered damaged it will need to be replaced. Faulty bins can present potential health and safety issues to the operatives who empty the bins. Damaged bins are recycled.
You should not try to repair the bins yourself.
I need a bin but cannot pay right now, what shall I do?
Unfortunately, we will not be able to provide a replacement or additional bin before payment has been received and you will need to dispose of your waste legally in the meantime, such as by taking it to your local Household Recycling Centre.
Can I pay in part payments?
We cannot take part payment and a bin can only be delivered once the full payment has been received.
Will the crews return the bins after collection to the property boundary?
All collection crews must return bins after emptying them to the place they were collected from. Please ensure that you clearly label your bin with your house name or number to help avoid them going missing and to help both you and the crew to identify which address the container 'belongs' to.
What if I have seen my neighbour take my container into their property?
You must try to retrieve your bin by first speaking to your neighbour and if unsuccessful please contact the Police on their non-emergency telephone number 101 or by using the West Mercia Police website.
Are there discounts for OAPs, students or benefit claimants?
No, there are no concessions.
Can I have more than one bin?
No, each property is entitled to one black wheelie bin and one green wheelie bin, unless the property is deemed unsuitable for bins.