The waste hierarchy encourages a focus on reducing and reusing wherever possible to reduce waste.

Recycling as much as possible is fantastic - but we need to start focusing on preventing the waste in the first place. Putting items in our recycling and general rubbish bins should be seen as the last resort.

Diagram of waste hierarchy showing reduce, reuse, recycle, recover, disposal options with Reduce as the top priority

Visit these pages for more information about how to:


In Herefordshire 99% of the waste which can't be reused or recycled is used as fuel to generate electricity.

This process takes place at an energy from waste (EfW) plant. Herefordshire's waste for recovery is sent to EnviRecover, where it is incinerated and creates electricity (energy). View the recovery process.

Recovery is right near the bottom of the hierarchy because, once the materials have been burned, they're gone and can't be used again.


Severn Waste Services manage and monitor our landfill site at Hill & Moor, in Pershore, Worcestershire to make sure it's safe and meeting all of the required legislation. Any methane which is given off as a result of the waste decomposing is collected and turned into electricity.

Landfill sites are the earliest form of waste management, but we now know that these sites aren't good for our planet. This is why we are encouraging people to reduce, reuse and recycle as much as possible.