Small business rate relief

Some ratepayers are eligible for relief on the grounds that they are a small business. You will be classed as a small business if:

  • You have only one property in England on which you are liable (wholly or jointly) for the payment of business rates
  • The rateable value of that property is £50,999 or less and remains below £51,000 throughout the financial year and
  • The property is occupied and you are not entitled to claim any other mandatory relief

If you qualify, you will have your rates calculated using a lower multiplier. You can see how business rates are calculated.

Additional relief

Properties with a rateable value of up to and including £15,000 may receive additional relief depending on the rateable value of the property:

  • Rateable value up to and including £12,000 - 100% relief
  • Rateable value £12,001 up to and including £15,000 - relief reducing from 100% to 0% (4% for every £120 above £12,001)

*If the property has a rateable value of between £15,001-£50,999, no additional relief is applied, however, you will pay business rates on the lower multiplier.

If you use more than one property

If you become liable for a second property and the rateable value is £2,900 or more, any existing relief will continue to be applied for one year from the date you become liable for the second property. After this 12 month period there will be no entitlement to small business rate relief however you will pay the business rates for both premises on the lower multiplier.

*If you are liable for other properties and their rateable value is £2,899 or less you will still need to pay business rates, however, this will not affect your eligibility for small business rate relief on your main property, provided that the total of all properties' rateable values is £19,999 or less.

Apply online for small business rate relief

Or download and complete the PDF application form

Supporting small businesses relief

Supporting small business relief is to support small businesses whose rateable value has changed due to the 2023 revaluation and are losing some or all of their small business rate relief or rural rate relief and as a result are facing large increases in their bill.

The relief ensures that the increase is limited to £600 a year (£50 a month). If you qualify you will receive this relief each year until your actual rate liability is reached.

Minimal Financial Assistance limit rules apply to this scheme.

If you think you may qualify for this relief please email