Apply for a primary school place mid-year
An 'In Year Transfer' application is the process which a parent or legal guardian must complete to secure a school place other than at the normal point of admission into reception or year 7. In Year Transfers are most common for families who move house to a new area or can no longer easily access their current school. If you are considering moving your child for any other reason, please read our Changing schools - advice to parents before completing the application for In Year Transfer.
The application process
Herefordshire local authority is the admissions authority for all community and voluntary controlled schools in the county and coordinates their admissions. All other schools including voluntary aided, academies, free and trust schools are their own admissions authorities (AA) but some academies use Herefordshire Council school admissions to coordinate their in year transfer applications under a service level agreement. You can find details of what type of school you are applying to from Get Information about Schools - GOV.UK.
Which school should I apply for?
You may apply to any school, although it is common for parents to apply to a nearby school or the catchment school because this is where children from the local community most commonly attend.
Please ensure you have read the information on school transport.
There are advantages in arranging to visit a school you may be interested in:
- You will be able to meet with staff and often pupils as well
- You may be able to have a tour of the school
- It will allow you to make comparisons between schools where you are considering several schools
- Because many schools act as their own admission authorities it can also 'fast-track' your application and prevent any delay in securing a place once you have moved
You can find the nearest and catchment school to a chosen location using Find a school – Herefordshire Council.
The Department for Education Get Information about Schools - GOV.UK allows you to search for information about each of the publicly funded schools in Herefordshire.
You can find:
- School contact details
- OFSTED information
- Physical accessibility ratings
- Website details for the school
In Year Transfer application form
Please read the guidance notes attached to the form. Please submit your form to for the School Admissions team to process.
The back page of the application has a section for your current school to complete. This applies to state-funded schools only, and not private schools or non-UK schools. The information provided on the form will help the school to prepare for your child's admission should a place be offered.
Download application form for in year transfer
Children with an Education Health and Care Plan
Children with an Education Health and Care Plan commonly require additional support at school. Schools will require support from the Local Authority's SEND team to accommodate any additional needs that a child may have. Please contact the SEND team if your child has an EHCP and you wish them to move school in year. See the School age children with special educational needs and disabilities section.
Children who are looked after
Applications for Children who are looked after (CLA) should be made by the child's social worker using a specific form. Please contact Herefordshire school admissions for details.
What happens once I submit my application?
The success of your application will largely be determined by the ability of the school to accommodate an additional child in the appropriate year group. Schools are required to aim to notify parents of the outcome of their application in writing within 10 school days, but parents must be notified in writing within 15 school days. If refused a place you will be informed of your right to appeal this decision. The School Admissions office can provide you with guidance on the appeals process, and can offer advice about alternative schools that may be able to accommodate you.
Please contact us on:
- Telephone: 01432 260927
- Email:
Why might my application be refused?
School Admissions are governed by the School Admissions Code. The code states (section 1.4) that Admission authorities may admit above their published admission number (PAN) through in-year admissions. The PAN only applies to the relevant age group. This means that admission authorities may not refuse admission to other age groups on the grounds that they have already reached their PAN. They may, however, refuse admission where the admission of another child would prejudice the provision of efficient education or efficient use of resources.
However the Admissions Code states that no more than 30 children can be accommodated in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 class per qualified class teacher. Where a school has reached their prescribed limit you may meet with a refusal. In rural areas schools can have a PAN of less than 30. In these instances it is important to understand that the school's classes are often made up of two or more year groups. So for instance, a school with a PAN of 10 may organise their classes so that Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are accommodated in the same class.
Where a school receives multiple in-year admissions and does not have sufficient places for every child who has applied for one, they must allocate places on the basis of the oversubscription criteria in their determined admission arrangements. For details of the over subscription criteria please refer to the admissions section of the website of the school you are applying for
In Year Fair Access
All Local Authorities are required to have an In Year Fair Access Protocol. The protocol is designed to ensure that no school is asked to accommodate an unreasonable number of challenging pupils, and to ensure that there is not an unreasonable delay in placing pupils who are deemed to be challenging. On rare occasions, applications can be referred to the In Year Fair Access Panel whose task it is to make decisions on individual applications. You will be notified in writing if this happens, and an officer from the School Admissions team will guide you through the process.
Herefordshire In Year Fair Access Protocol
Foreign national children seeking state school place
The government provides guidance on school applications for foreign national children and children resident outside England. This includes information about the rights of foreign nationals to access schools in England, and the process for doing so.
Herefordshire schools admissions contact details
Address: School Admissions, Herefordshire Council, Plough Lane Offices, Plough Lane, Hereford HR4 0LETelephone: Reception admissions officers 01432 260926 or 01432 261574
Telephone: Secondary phase transfer officer 01432 260925 Send Email