Herefordshire all-age carers strategy 2024-29

Herefordshire all age carers strategy 2024-29 front pageIn Herefordshire, we recognise and value the essential role of unpaid carers in our community. Unpaid carers are individuals who provide care and support to family members, friends, or loved ones facing challenges due to illness, disability, frailty or addiction.

It is important to note that unpaid carers can be of any age. Children and young adults can provide a great deal of help and care to family members who may struggle to cope without that support. The new strategy identifies young carers as a priority area to raise awareness and make positive change.

Herefordshire Council has co-produced this strategy with involvement from partner agencies, community organisations and carers themselves. As well as helping to identify the main priorities and focus of the strategy, a shared vision was also agreed:

'Herefordshire is a carer friendly county, where carers of all ages are recognised, valued, heard and enabled to live a healthy fulfilling family life'.

The strategy has identified six key priorities:

  1. Value and recognition: It is important that unpaid carers feel recognised and valued, and that should they themselves need some help or support, it is available for them. An important element of meeting this objective will be the introduction of a Carers Partnership Board.
  2. Young carers: The strategy recognises the challenges that young carers can face, not only in their caring roles, but additional challenges they can experience in education and other life experiences. Young carers should have the same opportunities to enjoy a childhood that aligns with their peers.
  3. Technology-enabled care (TEC): As developments in TEC advance, there are clear opportunities to introduce new technology that can help to support, not only the cared-for person, but provide additional reassurance for carers.
  4. Carers assessments and support: The process of accessing carers' assessments should be straightforward and stress-free. Carer assessments are important for identifying and directing individuals to sources of information and support.
  5. Information, advice and guidance: There is always a need to improve the quality and accessibility of information and resources available to carers. This involves ensuring information is clear and easily available from different sources.
  6. Staying healthy: Ensuring caregivers' wellbeing is important, as they will often put the needs of the cared for person ahead of their own. The strategy aims to help carers maintain good health while balancing their caregiving and other life demands.

View the Herefordshire all-age carers strategy 2024-29