Your support plan
Following a care assessment we will work with you to draw up and agree a support plan for your care and support needs. This will include the amount of money the council allocates for your care, whether this is to help you remain living in your home or elsewhere, such as to help you to move into a care home. The money you are allocated is called a personal budget.
Once you have completed a care assessment we will work with you to plan:
- The type of help you need
- Who can provide it
- Who will organise it
- Who will pay for it
If you need care to help you stay in your home, we will work with you to determine the amount of money that is required to pay for those services.
If you need residential or nursing care we will discuss the options with you. For more information visit the residential and nursing care homes page.
Your support plan will explain how you are going to organise and pay for your care and support. You can choose to have services organised by the council's social care workers or to receive a Direct payment so that you can organise and make your own arrangements to pay for your care.
If your social care worker is required to make your care and support arrangements for you, we will make arrangements with the organisations we have contracts with and use your personal budget to pay for the services that they arrange for you.
Visit the paying for care page for more information.
Adult social care contact details
The Advice and Referral Team (ART) is your first point of contact for help and support in accessing adult social care and to arrange care and Care Act assessments and financial assessments.
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