Safeguarding children and young people in Herefordshire arrangements
In Herefordshire, we have a highly engaged multi-agency partnership who care passionately about meeting the needs of our county's children and young people.
We know that safeguarding is everyone's responsibility. Our partnership includes early years settings, schools, colleges, health commissioners and providers, police, voluntary and community organisations, youth justice and all those services which have a role in safeguarding children and young people. Through our arrangements we want to ensure that we all know, understand and respond to our safeguarding responsibilities in a way that has a really positive impact on the children and young people we serve.
We've made some changes to the way in which agencies in our partnership work together to keep children and young people safe following government guidance. There is no longer a requirement to have local safeguarding boards, but locally we can make our own decisions about how we organise our arrangements.
Full details of the arrangements are in Safeguarding Children and Young People in Herefordshire 2023.
The changes reflect the requirements of the Children Act 2004, which was amended by the Children and Social Work Act 2017, and the changes required by the updated Working Together 2018.