Stories from Shared Lives families

Simone, Maurice and Paul

Simone and Maurice with Paul standing outside a rural property

Simone and her husband, Maurice, originally looked at fostering children but during a conversation with a friend they found out about the Shared Lives scheme. Simone and her daughter, Courtney, already had a background in care work so they contacted the team at the council for more information. They are now just one of a number of highly valued families offering a safe and loving home to vulnerable adults in Herefordshire.

Paul, aged 30, has been living with the Gibbs family for a short time but there has already been a notable difference in his overall health and wellbeing.

Paul said, "I spent 2 years living alone in a flat and it was really difficult, especially during lockdown. I stayed with Simone and Maurice several times on a trial through the Shared Lives scheme to make sure it was the right home for me.

"Since moving in I've been eating properly and looking after myself better and my mental health has really improved. I still get to see my own family which is really important to me and I speak to my mum every night on the phone. I've even bought myself a pool table when I moved in. It feels like I've got my life back!"

Simone said: "Paul has settled in really well and because he had stayed with us several times previously, when he did move in it was really easy. He's now like part of the family.

"He helps out at the community farm and he volunteers in Hereford twice a week. He helps out on our own family farm carrying out small jobs that have been risk assessed and are safe for him to do. He's also been on several shopping trips with us to get himself some new clothes and furniture for his bedroom. Paul's life has changed a lot and he's definitely looking forward to a much brighter future now."

Shared Lives Scheme contact details

Contact hours: Monday -Thursday 9am to 5pm, Friday 9am to 4pm

Telephone: 01432 260798

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