Elective home education (EHE) resources for schools

The Elective home education (EHE) service supports families who wish to educate their children at home.  We also provides support, guidance and challenge to schools around elective home education.

Requests to home educate

If the school receives notification from a child's parent or carer that they intend to home educate the child, the school must do the following:

  • Obtain written confirmation from the parent of their intention to home educate
  • Inform the EHE team
  • Send a copy of the deregistration letter to the EHE team

The child’s place should remain available for ten school term-time days from the receipt of the letter from the parent.

Use the online form below to inform EHE and to upload the deregistration letter from the parent/carer.

EHE school information form

EHE guidance for schools

View the Department for Education's Elective home education - Guidance for local authorities

If you have parents or carers wishing to get further advice or information before making a decision to home educate their child, you can refer them to the following resources:

You can also contact the EHE team on: 01432 383194