Guidance, templates and model letters for use by schools
On occasions schools may find it necessary to suspend or permanently exclude pupils for breaching their school behaviour policy. Herefordshire Council can offer advice and support throughout the suspension or permanent exclusion process for parents, schools and governors.
Advice is also available for the prevention of suspension and permanent exclusion through appropriate strategies which may be used to support a pupil in maintaining a successful school experience. Visit our Social inclusion in schools page for information, or contact the Social Inclusion Officer on 01432 260651 or 01432 383194.
Suspension from school
- Suspension from school: Model letter 1 fewer than 5 days
- Suspension from school: Model letter 2 between 5 - 15 days
Notify us of a pupil's suspension or permanent exclusion
- Exclusion from school: Model letter 3 permanent
- Example of permanent exclusion panel meeting minutes template
Notify us of a pupil's suspension or permanent exclusion
External links
See also the behaviour and support section.