Health and safety

The health and safety team assists Herefordshire Council in ensuring that all of its employees, visitors and customers have a safe environment in which to work and access our services.

We provide an advisory service and support to those who need assistance in maintaining compliance with health and safety legislation and best practice. We also monitor health and safety performance, and produce reports and statistics to help us find ways of improving our service.

Our duties include overseeing the health, safety and wellbeing of staff and pupils in maintained schools; advising Management Board, service managers, directorate steering group members; and assisting managers with the investigation of any accidents, incidents or near misses on council property.

The council's delegated funding scheme gives schools control over their own management of health and safety and allows them to prioritise issues that directly affect their establishment. We offer a full advisory service to enable all local authority schools and educational establishments to comply with the legal requirements.

Below are some links to documents and guidance which schools may find helpful when reviewing their health and safety management systems. Any Herefordshire Council branded documents have been written to specifically refer to Herefordshire Council's processes and procedures, and should only be used as a reference point for the creation of documents specific to your school.

Health and safety checklists

Reporting and investigating accidents and incidents in schools

Risk assessment and management

View the HSE's video on health and safety risk management assessment

Asbestos in schools

View the HSE's video on the duty to manage asbestos


Safety in education visits

Fire safety

First aid

Violence in schools

News and CPD


Suicide bereavement support

Contact us