Advice for professionals educating GRT children

Our service offers advisory support to schools and professional agencies towards the improvement of outcomes for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) children and families. The education team also works in close partnership with colleagues from Herefordshire Council Travellers' services.

Key areas for advice and support

  • Staff development and training
  • Promotion of good community relationships
  • Development of effective strategies to close attainment gaps
  • Improving parental involvement in schools and learning
  • Plans for the improvement of service delivery regarding the Equality Act 2010
  • Curriculum development
  • Anti-racist teaching
  • Early Help Assessment and multi agency group meetings
  • Outreach and advocacy work for schools and families
  • Plans for educational transition 0 to 19

Who can receive the service

  • Professional and voluntary sector agencies in Herefordshire
  • GRT children from 0 to 19
  • GRT families - Romany Traveller/Gypsy, Irish Traveller, New Traveller, Showman, Roma

Privacy notice

View the GRT education support privacy notice.

Contact us

  • Phone:
    • Joanna Chick, Virtual Head for Vulnerable Children: 01432 261752
    • Hannah Smith-Hughes, GRT education support worker: 07792 881920
    • Colin Jefferson, GRT education support worker: 07792 881319
  • Address: Herefordshire Council, Children and Young People Directorate, Plough Lane Offices, Plough Lane, Hereford HR4 0LE
  • Email: