Storing and selling hazardous materials

Fireworks and other explosives

We provide licences to individuals and companies who wish to store up to 2000kg (net weight) of explosives, including fireworks and shotgun cartridges. It is illegal to sell explosives unless you are licensed.

When you can sell fireworks

A storage licence covers fireworks stored for sale during the following time periods:

  • From 15 October to 10 November
  • From 26 to 31 December
  • On the first day of the Chinese New Year and the three days immediately preceding this
  • On the first day of Diwali and the three days immediately preceding this

If you wish to sell fireworks outside of these periods you will need to apply for an all year sales licence. The fee for an all year sales licence is £500.

Applying for a licence to store fireworks or other explosives

Applying for a licence does not mean it will automatically be granted to you.

The time it takes to process your application will depend on the size and nature of your business. We acknowledge receipt of applications and will inform you of progress at regular intervals.

Further information is on our Explosives and fireworks licensing page

Variations to existing licences

If you wish to make a change to an existing licence, including changes to plans, these should be notified in writing to There will be a charge depending on the variation.


The law on storing petrol safely

Petrol is a dangerous substance; it is a highly flammable liquid that can give off vapour and when not handled safely has the potential to cause a serious fire and/or explosion. This means there is always a risk of a fire and/or an explosion if there is a source of ignition nearby, for example, a naked flame or an electrical spark.

View guidance on legislation regulating the safe storage of petrol on the HSE website

Applying for a certificate to store petrol

You must obtain a petrol storage certificate from us:

  • To run a business where petrol is stored for dispensing directly into the fuel tank of an internal combustion engine
  • Where large amounts of petrol are stored for private use

Applying for this certificate does not automatically mean that it will be granted to you.

The time it takes to process your application will depend on the size and nature of your business. We acknowledge receipt of applications and will inform you of progress at regular intervals.

Further information is on our Petroleum Storage licensing page

Paying fees

You must pay an annual fee which is calculated according to the maximum volume of petrol to be stored at the site. You can choose to pay for up to ten years in advance.

Tell us about a change at a licensed site

Ownership changes

If you are leaving a site or are taking over a site where there is a current certificate please let us know in writing at least 28 days before the changes are due to take effect.

Site changes

Please contact us in good time before you make any material alterations (such as changes to tanks or pipework), or if you no longer intend to store petrol.

Disused tanks previously used to store petrol spirit

Where equipment for storing or dispensing vehicle fuel is taken out of use, whether temporarily or on a permanent basis, any employer running a business from the site has a legal obligation to ensure the tank and associated equipment is made safe. Failure to do so can have serious consequences due to the explosive atmosphere that will still exist.

View the hazardous materials licences and certificates