Becoming a childminder

What is a childminder?

A childminder is someone who is registered with Ofsted or a childminder agency to provide paid childcare from domestic or non-domestic premises for children under 8 years old.

Childminder with domestic premises

A childminder with domestic premises is a person who receives payment for working in a domestic dwelling (usually their own home). They look after at least one child for more than two hours a day. Childminders can also work some of their time from approved non-domestic premises if they choose to do so. Childminders can work alone or with other childminders and assistants. A maximum of four adults (including the childminder), can work together under a childminder’s registration.

For more information see the government's Become a childminder or nanny page.

Childminder without domestic premises

A childminder without domestic premises (CWDP) is a person who receives payment for working solely on non-domestic premises, such as a community or church hall. They are not permitted to work from any domestic dwelling at any time. The premises must be registered with Ofsted or a childminder agency. Childminders can have multiple approved non-domestic premises but can only provide care from one premises at any one time. Childminders can work alone or with other childminders and assistants. A maximum of four adults, including the childminder, may work together at the same time.

For further guidance see the government's Register as a childminder without domestic premises page.

Childcare on domestic premises

Childcare on domestic premises (CoDP) is where five or more people come together to work in a home-based setting at any one time. It will usually have all the advantages of a larger group of children learning together, but still with the "home from home" feel of a childminding setting.

These providers can spend up to 50% of their time working on approved non-domestic premises.

Those operating childcare on domestic premises (CoDP), including those registered with a childminder agency, should refer to the EYFS statutory framework for group and school-based providers.

As a CoDP, you must apply to register with Ofsted or your childminder agency again if you wish to move domestic premises. You must also gain approval from Ofsted or the childminder agency before operating from any non-domestic premises.

For further guidance refer to the government's Childcare on domestic premises page and the Apply to register your nursery or other daycare organisation page.

What is a nanny or home child carer?

Nannies are also known as home child carers and look after children of any age in the child's own home.

Nannies Ofsted registration.

How much it costs

For information on initial costs relating to registration fees, DBS, training and insurance see the government's Become a childminder or nanny page.

Additional information related to Ofsted

Additional information related to starting a business

Additional information related to funding

Further advice

For pre-registration advice and any further queries, please email