Contacting Herefordshire Council

We aim to deal with queries the first time, though we recognise that it is not always possible due to the nature of the contact. We also welcome feedback on faults and issues so we can make improvements to our services across the county. Below are the ways you can contact us at Herefordshire Council.

The website

You can access a full range of information and complete transactions online 24 hours a day, including making payments and directly reporting a fault or issue. We promise to keep the website "down time" to a minimum for making improvements and for cyber security.

Social media

The council will use social media to distribute notices and information. We will not automatically respond to posts but will try to clarify misinformation. For specific service queries and requests please use our online contact form.


Telephone 01432 260000.

We will respond to phone calls as soon as possible, though at busy times calls will be held in a queue until an operator is free. You can make payments by phone through an automated process available 24 hours a day on 01432 260200.

If a return call is relevant and required we will normally respond within five working days, even if a holding response is needed whilst further investigation takes place. This could involve leaving a message and three attempts to make contact if a message cannot be left.

In person

If you need visit us in person at our Hereford customer service centre someone will see you as soon as possible to establish who the best person is to help you. There may be a queue at busy times. If you need to see one of our specialist officers we will advise you of approximate waiting times or arrange an appointment for an alternative time.


You can contact us using our online contact form. Select the subject area which most closely matches your enquiry and it will be sent to the relevant service area. A response, if needed, will take within 10 working days unless there is a separately stated timescale. The council will use electronic messaging including email as the default response to a query. However if a letter is your requested method of contact please allow 15 working days response time to allow time for postage.

View our customer services privacy notice.