Open authority

It is important that we are clear about what we are seeking to achieve and why the council follows a course of action. This means being open with our decisions, publishing policies and making data available.

Consequently, there are a number of ways we share information.

  • Our aim is to publish as much information as possible online. We publish data related to the finances of the council including financial transactions exceeding £500 on our open data pages and the pay of our senior management team.
  • The research and statistics we hold are available on our Understanding Herefordshire website.
  • Freedom of Information - you can request information using a Freedom of Information form. When we cannot fulfil a request because of personal privacy or commercial confidentiality we will explain why.
  • Environmental Information Request (EIR) - this gives you the right to access environmental information which is held by the council or by one of our contractors. This includes state of the elements, natural sites, factors of radiation, energy noise, waste, state of human health. You can request information using an Environmental Information Regulations request form.
  • We publish scrutiny, cabinet member and cabinet reports in advance of meetings along with publications of decisions taken, with minutes published within 10 working days of meetings taking place. The reason for any information being exempt or confidential will be clearly given. Members of the public can attend meetings and ask questions at committees along with influencing scrutiny work programmes (View committee meetings and decisions).
  • The council publishes its plans, policies and procedures on this website for everyone to know the intention of the council in its different service areas.
  • You can raise issues relating to the area you live with your local councillor as your elected representative in the community.