Our equality policy and objectives 2024-2027

Herefordshire Council has both a moral and a statutory obligation to reflect the needs of our diverse population and workforce, and this is a requirement in everything we do.

Our equality policy confirms our commitment to:

  • Address social issues that impact on equality (for example, health inequalities, sexual violence, homelessness)
  • Continue our efforts to increase representation of minority groups in our elected representatives
  • Aim for the highest level of accessibility in buildings and the built environment
  • Make our services and information accessible
  • Continue to support disabled people to have choice and control
  • Strive to achieve a truly inclusive workplace with values, behaviours, policies and practices that enable our people to thrive

The equality policy also details our Equality Objectives which are to:

  1. Incorporate equality considerations into our service planning template
  2. Improve the equality information available on our website relating to council decisions

An appendix with statistics and background information accompanies the policy.

View an easy read version of the equality policy 2024-2027.