Equality information and data

The diversity of our workforce

The Equality Act 2010 requires all public organisations with more than 150 employees to publish the diversity make-up of their workforce. We publish an annual equality analysis of our workforce and our councillors.

Our most recent documents are available below: 

These documents also contain detail on:

* The 2022 equality analysis is now based on a snapshot period in March. This aligns our reporting periods for the equality analysis and gender pay gap reports. The analysis now reports solely on the Herefordshire Council workforce.

Gender pay gap reporting

All employers with 250 or more employees must publish annual information about the difference in pay for male and female employees. This is called the gender pay gap. Our detailed statistics are set out in the equality analyses of our workforce above. The table below is a summary of the median gender pay gap for the last five years.

Median gender pay gap by year
At: Median gender pay gap
(ie. women's hourly pay is:)
31 March 2023 10.4% lower
31 March 2022 13.9% lower
31 March 2021 13.9% lower
31 March 2020 8.2% lower
31 March 2019 9.8% lower
31 March 2018 12.8% lower
31 March 2017 15.4% lower

View gender pay gap data for organisations in the UK.

Ethnicity pay gap reporting

Ethnicity pay gap reporting is not a statutory requirement, but some organisations choose to report it voluntarily. The ethnicity pay gap is defined as the difference between the average hourly pay of ethnic minorities and White British people. It is usually expressed as a percentage difference, with White British people's earnings representing 100%.

We produced our first ethnicity pay gap report in January 2021 and it is published annually in the Equality analysis of our workforce documents above.